Are Address Labels Recyclable?

The answer is yes! Most address labels can be recycled in curbside recycling bins. It’s important to check with your local municipality, however, as some areas have restrictions on what can be put in the recycling bin. Generally speaking, if the label is made of paper and doesn’t contain any plastic components it should be safe to recycle.
See the below map for locations where you can recycle address labels.
Unfortunately, you won’t get paid for recycling address labels. Recycling address labels has no monetary value and won’t pay for itself. However, there are a few other benefits to consider when recycling address labels.
Similarly, see if you can recycle shipping labels.
There are several benefits to recycling address labels. First and foremost, it’s better for the environment than throwing them away in the trash. When we recycle paper products like address labels we help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Additionally, by recycling address labels we help conserve resources such as water and energy since new materials do not need to be used every time something is produced or shipped out.
Similarly, see if you can recycle padded envelopes.
To prepare address labels for recycling you should carefully separate any plastic components such as adhesive backing or clear windows from the paper portion of the label before discarding into your curbside recycling bin or dropping off at a local collection point. If possible take all components apart by hand so they can be recycled separately, otherwise just discard everything into your curbside bin and let professionals at your local recycler handle sorting them out!
Similarly, see if you can recycle stainless steel.
Once you have separated any plastic components from your address labels, you can simply discard them into your curbside recycling bin or drop them off at one of many collection points near you! Additionally, some organizations like TerraCycle allow customers to send in their used address labels and other difficult-to-recycle items so they can properly divert them from landfills and incineration plants long-term.
Similarly, see if you can recycle glass vases.
Depending on where you live there may be a few different places where you can donate or recycle your used address labels:
Similarly, see if you can recycle air mattresses.
If you find yourself with an abundance of unused addresses then there are still ways to make sure they don't end up unnecessarily thrown away or sitting around collecting dust: