Are Shotgun Shells Recyclable?

Yes, shotgun shells can be recycled. In most cases, the brass casings can be melted down to create new products such as jewelry or ammunition. The plastic components in some shells can also be reused or recycled.
See the below map for locations where you can recycle shotgun shells.
While it is possible to make money by recycling shotgun shells, it is not generally recommended due to the low value of brass and plastic components. There are some companies that may purchase large lots of shells for recycling purposes, but you will probably only make a few cents per shell.
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The process for recycling shotgun shells is pretty straightforward. First, you'll need to separate the brass casings from the plastic components. Then, you can take them to a metal recycler where they will melt down the brass and reuse or recycle the plastic parts. If you don't have access to a metal recycler, there are some online services that allow you to mail in your shells for recycling.
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The main benefit of recycling shotgun shells is that it helps keep these materials out of landfills and reduces pollution associated with manufacturing new ammunition components from raw materials. Additionally, some people find it satisfying to turn their old scrap into something useful again!
Similarly, see if you can recycle cookie sheets.
One of the biggest disadvantages of not recycling shotgun shells is that they will eventually end up in a landfill where they could leak toxins into the environment over time. Additionally, not recycling means more raw materials must be used in order create new ammunition components, which requires energy and resources that could otherwise be saved by recycling existing material.
Similarly, see if you can recycle halogen bulbs.
You can usually find local metal recyclers who accept shotgun shells by doing an online search or looking in your local phone directory. Additionally, there are some online services where you can mail in your shotgun shells for recycling if you don't have access to a local recycler.
Similarly, see if you can recycle baking sheets.
Recycling shotgun shells is good for both the environment and your wallet! Separating out and melting down the brass casings allows them to be reused or recycled while also reducing manufacturing energy costs associated with creating new ammunition components from raw material sources. You can usually find local metal recyclers who accept shotgun shells either through an online search or looking in your local phone directory. Alternatively, there are also online services where you can mail in your spent ammo for recycling if necessary!